Monday, August 24, 2020

Heroes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Legends - Essay Example In addition, a degree of conversation will likewise be appropriated concerning what regularly characterizes a saint and what doesn't. At last, a conversation of the intentions in this degree of saint creation and a definitive cultural impacts this has on various gatherings will likewise be talked about. Right off the bat, concerning the adoration and close to canonization that numerous people inside our general public appear to be named with on an increasingly more continuous premise, one must sort this into a definitive need that key investors inside the procedure view to exist. For example, similar to the given case with the firemen of the September eleventh psychological oppressor assaults on the World Trade Center, the country, the media, and the administration were anxious to discover any person or thing to admire as a methods for reestablishing a central confidence in the establishments of the country; so completely shaken by such a revolting demonstration. This kind of cultural, administrative, and media reaction to an emergency and the need to rapidly discover saints is certifiably not another idea. Albeit a large number of the readings that have educated this article assisted with painting the image for how government employees and other non-legends are normally refered to as saints by the media, the truth is such an act of putting titles on people only playing out their occupations has existed for any longer than simply the couple of brief a very long time since 9/11 (Welch 42). One need look no farther than the Doolittle Raiders to see the base significance that a little band of men vowed to satisfy their obligation and perform missions at the command of bosses in a period of war were immediately marked as saints in a nation that urgently longed for such models at such a horrifyingly dull time of the United State’s commitment in World War II. What ought to be acknowledged above all else is the way that our society’s current meaning of legend and chivalry has

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Good Will Hunting Essays -- Film Analysis, Good Will Hunting

A contemplative youngster, an open book these two pictures whirl around the screen in a kaleidoscope impact, this was the initial scene of "Good Will Hunting." This scene is trailed by Ben Afflick, thumping on Will's entryway, when Will comes out a credit moves by that says, "screenplay composed by Ben Afflick and Matt Damon," similarly as the two walk one next to the other. This shows how consummately the creators of this film have everything planned, down to the credits. Likewise, the planning shows when the educator's right hand and Will are separated from everyone else and the associate discloses to Will that he is so fortunate to have somebody have confidence in him as the teacher does. Similarly as he wraps up this the teacher strolls in and abruptly the collaborator has something preferable to do over simply stay there so he gets up and leaves. The cinematography in this film is acceptable, as option to proceed the watcher of this film reali zes Will lives in one of the less fortunate areas of Boston, as his front yard is jumbled with garbage and the vibe of the area encompassing his home is definitely not bright. The local looks dim and dull. Additionally, one of the numerous settings is a nearby bar which has the vibe of a local bar with Christmas type lights hung and ordinary looking individuals filling the spot. Some other setting is a Harvard homeroom and a junior college study hall. In the Harvard homeroom the understudies give off an impression of being mindful, clean cut, sharp looking, and excited, while the understudies in the network study hall are bar...

Friday, July 17, 2020

LimBitless The Rachel Handler Story

LimBitless â€" The Rachel Handler Story My life changed forever on March 3, 2012. Some may consider me disabled now, but I dont think the prosthetic limb I wear is a sign of loss. It is a symbol of empowerment and a reminder to overcome fear and embrace life.Heres my story I was driving from New York City to an audition in South Jersey. I never made it to that audition. I was in a slight fender bender â€" my first ever car accident. I was shaken up but the other driver and I were fine and had little damage to our cars. We parked on the shoulder of the causeway and as we leaned against the guardrail, waiting for the police to arrive, the unthinkable happened. I saw a car speed around the curve behind us. The driver quickly lost control and hit the guardrail across from us. In the matter a second these thoughts raced through my mind â€" “Will that car hit us? No way. Yes it will! Jump over the guardrail!” Without even the chance to scream, it was too late; we were both hit and I was flung over the guardrail and into som e muddy grass. I fell paralyzed onto my stomach. All I could do was scream at the top of my lungs, “Help, HELP! HELP!!!” I quickly realized my iPhone was still in my hand, unscathed (unbelievable!). As I turned my head my second realization was not so promising â€" I couldn’t see my left boot. The shoe was gone, which led me to believe that so was the flesh inside it. Panic sunk it, but luckily good samaritans came to my aid. A father and his 10 year old daughter held my hand and called my dad. Not ten minutes earlier I had called him to say I was in an accident but everything was fine. This call was much more somber. As I choked back tears I told my parents, who were 2 hours away from me, that I had lost my leg. They immediately started driving towards me.Once the paramedics got to the accident they kept my parents updated as to which hospital would take me. Those minutes spent waiting for the ambulance were the scariest moments of my life. I wondered if I had other injuries , if the blood by my head indicated a head injury, and why was I still conscious?! I cried for my loss; I cried for my pain; I blamed myself for the accident; and I cried for my dreams of singing and dancing on Broadway being dashed (I didn’t know then what I know now about the amazing world of prosthetic legs). I also cried for the kindness of strangers. When a person loses a limb due to illness they are in the hospital surrounded by their loved ones. But in my case my mom wasn’t there to hold my hands and tell me everything would be ok. I had a stranger’s hand to hold. Lucky for me, a wonderful woman pulled over and rushed to my side. She prayed with me and helped me keep the faith while we waited for medical help to arrive.I was unconscious when we arrived at the hospital. I only remember waking up after surgery and feeling very relaxed. I knew I was finally safe. Safely on pain medications in a hospital filled with people who could help me. I had my parents with me and my close friends by my side. But that night was the calm before the storm.The rest of my stay in the hospital was filled with surgeries, pain, anxiety, and fear. Also love and support. But mostly fear. For over two weeks the doctors werent sure if they could save my knee. Most of the skin below my knee wasnt salvageable and they didnt know if the muscle underneath would be viable. I never prayed so much in my life.I had a 50/50 chance of keeping/losing my knee. Below knee amputees can navigate steps and other terrain much more easily than above knee amputees. Luckily the odds swung in my favor. Unluckily, I had to spend two more weeks without skin covering the muscle below my knee. Every time the residents changed the dressing on my wound it felt like they were peeling off my skin while simultaneously burning my leg. Yet somehow my parents managed to help me find a sense of humor to cope with the situation.We laughed when one of the residents thought I was a medical student. We found a sense of community with my roommates, who consisted of prisoners and stabbing victims (I changed rooms 5x during my stay in the Newark hospital). I cracked up when my order of shrimp scampi arrived as prawns and rice. And my parents smiled when they walked into post-op and found me holding hands with my surgeon and resting.My month long stay in the hospital consisted of multiple blood transfusions, major surgeries, and the side effects that come along with being bedridden and heavily medicated. Little did I know, however, that the hardest part of my recovery was yet to come.After I was released from the hospital my parents took me to my childhood home. As I crutched into my home I realized that my life had been changed forever. I saw my home with a new pair of eyes; eyes that had been opened by God’s mercy. I cried when I realized that my home felt different because I was different. I knew there was no looking back, only forward. I lived on crutches for the next few months while the doctors waited for my skin to heal. The new skin from my skin graft was too raw for me to wear a prosthetic leg.I didn’t want to be weak but at times it was hard to be brave. I would check my leg and there were days when the skin would just peel off of it, like in a horror movie. My patience was being tested. It felt like any glimmer of hope turned into a step in the wrong direction. Some days hope was just another four letter word and all I could rely on was faith.One particular night in June hope was presented to me as not only a feeling, but a choice. I went to a beautiful wedding and had an amazing time, but for a moment I wasn’t sure if I could let myself enjoy the night. While congratulating the groom during cocktail hour, we talked about the couple’s first dance. He mentioned the name of the song and it sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it…until I heard that first verse.Memories of the accident flooded my mind and tears fell from my eyes. I had danced to tha t song in my favorite contemporary dance class, two nights before I was hit by the car. It was the last time I would dance as an able-bodied person. I hadn’t even thought of that until the moment I watched the bride and groom dancing to the music.I knew I had to choose â€" let my fear of never dancing again swallow me whole, or turn that page in my life and accept this new chapter. A friend held my hand as the tears of grief subsided and a smile crept across my face. The song became less painful and more inspirational as I looked around that ballroom, filled with love and the promise of a new beginning.So many people; friends, family and even strangers have been asking me, “How do you stay so positive?” They mention that I’m “inspiring.” I’m so flattered, but I don’t ever think of myself that way. God has given me the gift of life and shown me how fragile it can be. He’s allowing me to watch my very own body perform the miracle of healing. Even though what I’ve e xperienced in the past eight months has been brutal and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, I’ve always been an optimistic person and because of my faith I remain optimistic. The word “can’t” has never been in my vocabulary, and now more than ever I refuse to let that cruel word walk into my life.I felt like I lost part of my soul the day I lost my leg. I saw my dreams of singing and dancing on Broadway being crushed; I felt confused and angry with God. I was worried that when I looked down at my feet all I would feel was a sense of loss. I’m happy to have been wrong. Now the prosthesis I can finally wear is a testament to my powerlessness and to God’s might. Who could have imagined that at 24 years old what I consider to be my greatest achievement is simply walking? I’ve worked hard in my life at many jobs, classes and auditions, but learning to walk with a prosthetic leg at physical therapy has been the most powerful and humbling experience of my life.I used to t hink of my prosthesis as “the torture device” because it was extremely painful, but now it seems like magic. Of course it’s still a little uncomfortable and my residual limb feels sore after a long day wearing the prosthetic leg, but there’s no better feeling than looking down at my two feet and taking a step. It could simply be a step towards the fridge to pour myself a glass of water, or it could be taking a step onto the stage.At this point the only thing holding me back is fear. But isn’t that true for everybody? My experience was pretty extreme, but we all have obstacles to overcome. For me the obstacles are just a little more noticeable! It’s taken a while, but I’m pushing myself to drive again. I’m even trying things I’d never done before! Like discovering my love of kayaking and Pilates. I’ve also been studying anatomy so that I can go back to school to become a physical therapist assistant. I’m writing more original songs and now I’m writing a play. My capacity for compassion and determination has grown so I’ve become a motivational speaker and advocate for disability and amputee awareness in the media. Who knows what the future holds, my only goal is to praise God through my actions and contribute to my community.I’m in a show now and one member of the cast had no idea that I use a prosthesis because I’ve been wearing long pants. When I walk down the street or into a restaurant, no one knows the trauma I’ve endured; they can’t see that I’m part of the nearly 20% of disabled Americans. I’m thankful to be able to hide my disability and appear “normal”; some people don’t have that luxury. Yet, sometimes when people can’t tell I’m an amputee I feel guilty for hiding that part of my life. I’m not ashamed of my leg, in fact, I’m pretty proud of it!There are times when I choose to expose my prosthetic leg so that strangers may see it and ask me about it. I like to show that there can be opportunity in adve rsity. However, people tend to stare, gawk, and point and this makes me uncomfortable. After experiencing such a traumatic event and enduring so much discomfort the last thing I want to do is purposefully put myself it an uncomfortable situation. I don’t like it when people just stare or get embarrassed by their child questioning my leg; I want them to ask me questions about my disability so that society can stop fearing disability. As the playwright, John Belluso, says “disability is the minority no one wants to join but anyone can fall into at any time.” Instead of fearing this fact we must become aware that disability is a natural part of life.As I move forward with my life, my goals, and my dreams I find myself drawing closer to God and relying more on prayer. This experience has shown me that everything happens for a reason. Even though this injury certainly wasn’t in my life plan, sometimes the most creativity happens when you color outside the lines. My injury dared m e to be vulnerable and taught me to be strong. With prayer and the support and aid of my parents, brothers, extended family, friends, talented team of surgeons, doctors, nurses, therapists and prosthetist, my dreams of singing and dancing on a Broadway stage have not beenâ€" and will never be extinguished. Life is truly, limBitless.By Rachel Handler Actor, Singer, Dancer, Motivational Speaker Personal website: http://www.rachelhandler.webs.comRachel Handler Photo Gallery:

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Shiwasu - December

It is already December. Time flies, doesnt it? The Japanese word for December is juuni-gatsu, which literally means, twelfth month. Each month has an older Japanese name, and December is called shiwasu (Ã¥ ¸ «Ã¨ µ °). The old names are not commonly used today, but shiwasu is the one that you would hear more often than the others. It is written with kanji characters for master, teacher and to run. There are several theories for the origin of the name, shiwasu. One of them is that December is so busy that even a priest has to pray on the run. Japanese Translation Ã¥ ¸ «Ã¨ µ ° 㠁„㠁 ¤Ã£  ®Ã©â€"“㠁 «Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬ Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£ â€ Ã¦Å"ˆã€‚時㠁 ®Ã£ Å¸Ã£  ¤Ã£  ®Ã£  ¯Ã¦â€" ©Ã£ â€žÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£  ­Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦Å"ˆã  ¯Ã¦â€"‡å ­â€"通り〠Ã§â€¢ ªÃ§â€º ®Ã£  ®Ã¦Å"ˆã  ¨Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€ Ã¦â€ž Ã¥â€˜ ³Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ©â„¢ °Ã¦Å¡ ¦Ã£  §Ã£  ¯Ã£â‚¬ Ã¦Å"ˆã  ¯Ã¥ ¸ «Ã¨ µ °Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€žÃ£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ©â„¢ °Ã¦Å¡ ¦Ã£  ®Ã¦Å"ˆã  ®Ã¥â€˜ ¼Ã£  ³Ã¥  Ã£  ¯Ã£â‚¬ Ã§  ¾Ã¥Å" ¨Ã£  §Ã£  ¯Ã£ â€šÃ£  ¾Ã£â€šÅ Ã¤ ½ ¿Ã£â€š Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 ¾Ã£ â€ºÃ£â€šâ€œÃ£ Å'〠Ã¥ ¸ «Ã¨ µ °Ã£  ¯Ã£  Ã£  ®Ã¤ ¸ ­Ã£  §Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£â€š Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¨Ã£â€šË†Ã£  Ã¨â‚¬ ³Ã£  «Ã£ â„¢Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã¨â€˜â€°Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥â€¦Ë†Ã§â€Å¸Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥Æ' §Ã¤ ¾ ¶Ã£  ®Ã¦â€ž Ã¥â€˜ ³Ã£  §Ã£ â€šÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã¥ ¸ «Ã£  ¨Ã¨ µ °Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€ Ã¦ ¼ ¢Ã¥ ­â€"㠁 §Ã¦â€º ¸Ã£ â€¹Ã£â€šÅ'㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥ ¸ «Ã¨ µ °Ã£  ®Ã¨ ªÅ¾Ã¦ º Ã£  «Ã£  ¤Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¦Ã£  ¯Ã£â‚¬ Ã£ â€žÃ£  Ã£  ¤Ã£ â€¹Ã£  ®Ã£ â€žÃ£â€š Ã£â€šÅ'㠁Å'à £ â€šÃ£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£ Å Ã§ µÅ'を㠁‚㠁’る㠁Ÿã‚ Ã£â‚¬ Ã£ Å Ã¥ Å Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šâ€œÃ£ Å'㠁‚㠁 ¡Ã£ â€œÃ£  ¡Ã£  ®Ã¥ ® ¶Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¥ ¿â„¢Ã£ â€"㠁 Ã¨ µ °Ã£â€šÅ Ã¥â€ºÅ¾Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã£ â€¹Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€ Ã£  ®Ã£ Å'〠Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¨Ë† ¬Ã§Å¡â€žÃ£  ªÃ¨ ª ¬Ã£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¥ ¿â„¢Ã£ â€"㠁„時æÅ"Ÿã  §Ã£  ¯Ã£ â€šÃ£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ Å'〠Ã¥â€˜ ¨Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  «Ã£ â€ºÃ£ â€¹Ã£ â€¢Ã£â€šÅ'る㠁“㠁 ¨Ã£  ªÃ£  Ã£â‚¬ Ã§â€° ©Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã£  «Ã£â€šâ€ Ã£  £Ã£  Ã£â€šÅ Ã¥ â€"ã‚Šç µâ€žÃ£â€š Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã£â€šË†Ã£ â€ Ã£  «Ã¥ ¿Æ'㠁Å'㠁‘㠁Ÿã â€žÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€š Romaji Translation Itsunomanika, mou juuni-gatsu. Toki no tatsu nowa hayai desu ne. Juuni-gatsu wa moji doori, juuni ban me no tsuki to iu imi desu. Inreki dewa, juuni-gatsu wa shiwasu to iimasu. Inreki no tsuki no yobina wa, genzai dewa amari tsukawaremasen ga, shiwasu wa sono naka demo warito yoku mimi ni suru kotoba desu. Sensei, souryo no imi de aru shi to hashiru to iu kanji de shiwasu to yomimasu. Shiwasu no gogen ni tsuitewa, ikutsukano iware ga arimasu. Juuni-gatsu wa isogashii node, obousan de sae, okyou o ageru tameni achikochi no ie o isogashiku hashirimawaru kara, to iu no ga ippanteki na setsu desu. Isogashii jiki dewa arimasu ga, mawari ni sekasareru koto naku, monogoto ni yukkuri torikumu youni shitai mono desu. Note: The translation is not always literal. Beginners Phrases Time flies, doesnt it? Toki no tatsu no wa hayai desu ne.㠁 ¨Ã£  Ã£  ® 㠁Ÿã  ¤Ã£  ®Ã£  ¯ 㠁 ¯Ã£â€šâ€žÃ£ â€žÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£  ­Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¦â„¢â€šÃ£  ®Ã£ Å¸Ã£  ¤Ã£  ®Ã£  ¯Ã¦â€" ©Ã£ â€žÃ£  §Ã£ â„¢Ã£  ­Ã£â‚¬â€š

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Apple Inc And Its Impact On The Consumer Shopping Experience

Slide 2 Capitalization and reporting documents, such as a company’s financials, have come a long way with the advancement of technology. Apple, Inc. has been capitalizing on this advancement, starting in 1976. After nearly 30 years, Apple have become the leader in several industries, and are known for their iPhone line, as well as their iPad and iPod lines, apps, and iTunes; and their newest addition Apple Pay. Apple, Inc. has revenue that ranges in the $50 billion range. Kudler Fine Foods, known for its’ specialty food items, has also embraced technology in several way, including way to manage their financial investments and every day business of Kudler locations. Ordering and locating food items, that are specialty items sometimes requested by consumers, is done by using a wide array of technology, including how to get the items distributed without costing the consumer added money. Kudler also uses the advancement of technology to enhance the consumer shopping experience, by allowing them to place food orders online, and to help with the overall growth of the company, (University of Phoenix, 2013). Slide 3 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are the founders of Apple Computers Inc. To start their business, Jobs sold his Volkswagen Van and Wozniak sold his programmable calculator, which gave them $1,350 to begin production of the Apple I boards,† (The Start of Apple Computer, Inc., 2015). Arthur Rock, a venture capitalist, and Mike Markkula invested $92,000 and securedShow MoreRelatedBest Buy Co. Inc. Essay1205 Words   |  5 PagesBest Buy Co., Inc. is currently the world’s largest retailer for consumer electronics. The company has 1,400 brick and mortar stores and is a popular online retailer as well. The stores serve as display room for various online retailers. 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Project Selection and Risks Free Essays

Project selection should be done in a manner that address external risk before the project commences. Consequently the personnel selecting the project should also understand the deferral risk before making the decision of deferring the project. In many projects of organizations, they neither simply avoids risk since if it is not properly managed can result to a great loss. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Selection and Risks or any similar topic only for you Order Now However taking risk is a necessary condition in creation of wealth. Most projects take risks deliberately especially when it is their advantage. Risk can affect a project negatively if the selection of the project can not manage, understand, and price it. Before selecting project, there is need to recognize, accept and understand the risks involved that can lead to the project failure or have little potential of going up. When risks evaluation is poorly done, it can lead to unrecognized and high risk projects that have potential of endangering the whole enterprise. Selecting a project wisely can lead to taking advantage of low risk and thus benefiting much from the project. Most projects usually fail because of lack of consideration of important risk factors that can ruin the project. A good model of selecting a project is supposed to be put in place so as to avoid frustrations in the project when things turn out to be worse. Every thing proposed in a project may be implemented as well as people put more efforts in the project but at the end the project fail if the selection did not take into account the risks that may be involved in it. Senior officials may make their decisions but if they do not understand the risk which may be involved, the project may not be able to do better. In order to reduce loss after selecting a project, there is need to have knowledge of the project so as to make a sound plan and also understand on the right or appropriate technology that should be used in the project. Before selecting the project you have to understand on the problems that may encounter it and also there is a need to first discover what you do not know about the project to reduce the risk of failure. Risk can be reduced by identifying it and understanding on the specific impact that can affect the project so as to take action and address the risk. If the risk has been understood and identified, ideas should be generated to modify the plan of project to reduce the risk. Furthermore, identifying risk of the project can be useful in reducing risk for any similar project that may be conducted in future. In order to reduce risk in selecting a project the process of selecting the project should be reputable in that the project proposal needs to be clear with high level statement in the scope, objective and expected success measure. The project should have estimate of high level and magnitude needed in the implementation of the project and there should be discussion of the alternative risks and approaches in each approach. The process of selecting the project must also be cross-functional in that senior representatives must be part of it in the selection. It further has to be multidimensional by recognizing the set of the viable project. The selection process also must also recognize that there is no single or obvious metrics based on better results in picking any one project to operate and this can prevent the optimistic approach. How to cite Project Selection and Risks, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Rationalism vs Empiricism free essay sample

Rationalism believes that some ideas or concept are independent of experience and that some truth is known by reason alone. Rationalist support the idea of priori knowledge which means knowledge that comes before experience and independent of experience Philosophers that support that are associated with rationalism are Descartes, Kant, and Leibniz. Empiricism believes that some ideas or concepts are independent of experience and that truth must be established by reference to experience alone. Empiricist support the idea of posteriori which means knowledge that comes after experience or dependent on experience. Locke, Humes, and Berkeley are philosophers that support the idea of Empiricism. Rationalism claims that all known is innate. It claims that we are born with knowledge and find answer to questions by thinking logically. Descartes is a rationalist that strongly supports rationalism. He used skepticism to doubt everything that he knew. He doubted until he found one idea that was beyond a doubt, and the one idea was that he cannot doubt his own existence. We will write a custom essay sample on Rationalism vs Empiricism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He said â€Å"I cannot doubt my own existence; I think therefore I must exist. I think therefore I am. † He also claims that he cannot depend on senses because there is a demon manipulating your thoughts. Let’s take a look at Descartes’s statement. He doubts everything else but his own existence. He is thinking, and alive. Therefore, he is alive. By being able to think and knowing his exist, it makes the argument valid and sound. Rationalist tends to believe knowledge is a bit like math. It requires no observations or sense perception. The idea of 2+2=4, we all know it is 4. There are no observations or experience required. Let’s say you have two apples, and you were given two apples, you will then have a total of 4 apples. If you were to take away two apples, you are left with two apples. The logical approach requires no experience and no observation and has clear understanding which makes this argument sound and valid. Locke argued that nothing could be known before experience and that a baby was like a ‘blank slate’ that had to be filled up with information by experience; meaning we know knowing and everything we know is learned through observation and our sense perceptions. Empiricism is strongly correlates to Science where rationalism correlates with Math and Empiricism depend on experimentation and observation. How can innate knowledge explain certain things that we have no experience before? Let’s examine food as an example. Someone trying a new dish for the first time, they have no idea how it may taste, look, for even smell. The only way they will know is by eating it (observation and experiment). Empiricism depends on its senses to learn. We can also examine a new born baby growing through the ages. The baby uses its life experience and observes the world using its senses in order to gain knowledge. The baby has no past knowledge. It cannot talk or communicate, but over time it will learn through experience. A baby is empty and clear, we fill it with knowledge and let it has its own experience. Locke claim’s seems to be very sound and valid. Now comparing Empiricism vs. Rationalism, the two are complete opposite. The two co-exist and are total polar opposites. They will always counter argue each other and one is no more right than the other. These idea are based on self-awareness and in today’s modern world, I personally think there should be a good balance between both parties. Sometimes it may be better to think rationally or sometimes to think empirically.